Creating with video and music, just because…

bee on red coneflower

Click above for a slo-mo peek at some busy bees.

Makes me reflect on the line from this post.

“That said, not everyone sets out to impact the world with their art,
and that’s perfectly fine.” –Jake Parker

And really, am I better off watching TV news or putting music to bees’ daily chores?

Why do you create?

image by Tetiana Shyshkina [Unsplash]

Love this piece by Jake Parker.
His three main reasons:

1. Personal fulfillment

2. Reciprocation

3. Societal Enrichment

His last two lines are my favorites:

“That said, not everyone sets out to impact the world with their art, and that’s perfectly fine.

If a drawing puts a smile on your face, that’s reason enough.”

Re-revisiting 201 Ways to Jump Start Your Creativity

word cloud with creativity challengesAaaand, we’re back with more boost your creativity tips from 201 Ways to Jump Start Your Creativity.

A few rules from Steve Pavlina

  1. Define a clear purpose. Vague intentions don’t trigger the flow state.
  2. Identify a compelling motive. You need a reason to be creative.
  3. Architect a worthy challenge. If a task is too easy, you don’t need to be particularly creative, so your creative self will simply say, “You can manage this one without me.”

Creative encouragement from Jacob Cass at Just Creative Design

  1. Mindmap. Whether you use key words, images, colours, a hierarchy system, numbers, outlines, circles or random words, mindmapping gets your creative juices flowing.
  2. Be in the moment. Athletes call this ‘being in the zone‘. Give full attention to whatever you are doing: eating, washing dishes, making your bed.
  3. Practice asking yourself how to do something differently.

What’s your next creative forward-step?

Revisiting 201 Ways to Jump Start Your Creativity

Creativity advice word cloudWe retirees might as well take a little advice from those who’ve been there.

One of my favorite blog posts is WritetoDone’s 201 Ways to Jump Start Your Creativity. It’s one of those gifts that keeps on giving.

Here are a few suggestions from two of the contributors to the list:

From Merlin Mann of 43 Folders:

  1. Quit beating yourself up. You can’t create when you feel ass-whipped.
  2. Stop visualizing catastrophes, and focus on positive outcomes.
  3. Get away from the computer. Take pen and notebook, and go somewhere new.

From Dan Goodwin’s Wakeful Ways at A Big Creative Yes

  1. Recall your creative triumphs. It means you can create something equally wonderful, if not more so, again. In fact you can go out and create it today.
  2. Count your blessings. As well as feeling happier, it will inevitably help you be more creative too.
  3. Choose just one creative aim for the day. What one creative project can you begin/continue/finish today?

Here’s a related link to Dan Goodwin.

So, following Goodwin’s advice, take at least one creative step forward today.

Create for yourself

CREATE DESPITE LACK OF VALIDATIONSeth Godin is someone well worth following, as he is an insightful guy with a sincere appreciation for creating for creating’s sake.

A recent blog post of his bears this out.

A quote from that post: “Creation plus persistence can lead to recognition. But creation without recognition is still a worthwhile endeavor.”

And really, you just never know what materializes. A little momentum, a little-self validation can go a long way.

Reason to Create #3

Creating art helps us deal with sadness

Creating art, especially projects unrelated to whatever is troubling you,
offers up the simple gift of distraction.

“For it isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Reason to Create #2

creativity improves brain connections

This study tells us that making art delivers more brain-benefits than simply looking at it.

“For it isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

Reason to Create #1

Visit for a short discussion, including these points:

  • It can take your mind off things. [Seems there might be a few ‘things’ on our minds lately…]
  • It can help you tap into a ‘state of flow’.
  • It can be a form of self-care.