Retirement Pondering Point: The Gift [a repost]

Retire-Renewers, this is a three-minute wake-up call I’ve bookmarked for a weekly ‘revisit’.

I would love to hear how this TED talk might change an hour, a day, or a year of your life.

Because Stacey Kramer delivered this in 2010, you may be among the 3.7 million people who have already seen it.

Today was the first time I’d seen it. Much better late than never…

Quote from video: “So the next time you’re faced with something that’s unexpected, unwanted, and uncertain, consider…that it just may be…a gift.”


My Retirement Book: Exercise caution…

Retirement Book Draft not jump exercise fads cropped

Today’s post is an excerpt from a draft of my mind-bending book on retirement.
[Okay, slight exaggeration.]
I’m also looking at setting up an online community.
If you’re interested…

Yes, keep me updated!

I am interested in...

A promise: Your email address will be used to inform you of the status of the book and community and will not be shared.

Self-Interview: An ideal day of retirement…


My previous post listed ten questions I would like to ask retirees.

I decided answering those same questions myself would give me a better context for chats with other retirees. So here goes:

Question 1: Tell me about a good day of retirement. Be as specific as you like.

A good day of retirement would include:

  1. doing something new, no matter how inconsequential it might be to others. It might be trying out a new food item at the store or a new restaurant.
  2. baking three-cheese-chive scones or devil’s food-chocolate chip muffins. [I usually lean toward baking something decadent, at least mildly decadent.]
  3. a visit to weekday Mass, where I would get the requisite [for me] fist bump from a buddy as I return from Communion.
  4. writing at least 500 words. I would like to see those words entail a blog post to my blog or this blog. I would like at least 200 of those words directed toward one of my fiction projects.
  5. at least 30 minutes of exerbiking while reading/first drafting.
  6. an evening walk with my wife at either a nature area in town or in the neighborhood.
  7. time with our soon-to-be-adopted dog. [Not even sure who that is.]
  8. a relaxing morning coffee and breakfast with my wife and an ebook, with Keb Mo music in the background.
  9. a glance at the morning newspaper, one that homes in on good news and my favorite comic strips.
  10. sunshine and plenty of time in the backyard to enjoy it.
  11. at least 30 minutes of reading, both fiction and non-fiction.
  12. a check-in on the phone with either a sibling, my friend in Chico, CA, or my friend in San Diego.
  13. doing errands around town and visiting the library with my wife and dog.
  14. watching an episode of Modern Family in the afternoon, as I sip on a strong cup of Italian Roast and nibble on the muffins or scones I baked just 30 minutes before.

I have to say, this was fun. And I know I left out tons of other fun details I could have included.

10 questions for retirees…inquiring minds want to know.


Questions I would ask fellow retirees…

  1. Tell me about a good day of retirement. Be as specific as you like.
  2. Tell me something surprising about retirement.
  3. What did you envision about retirement that hasn’t materialized?
  4. What is your most memorable day of retirement so far?
  5. What would you add to your typical retirement day? Be as imaginative as you would like.
  6. “One year from now, I hope that…”
  7. Do all the days blend together? In other words, are weekends any different from weekdays?
  8. Have you volunteered? No guilt here. Just wondering. What would be your first choice of a destination for volunteering?
  9. One piece of advice you would share with retirees–especially in their first year–would be…
  10. How is your retirement different from your parents’?

Retirement Stepping Stone 10: Shiny object syndrome…a real thing

child-2443969_1280Yes, a wildly inaccurate physical representation of the writer.
[I hung up my butterfly wings at least a year ago.]
But the ‘shiny object’ illustration? Too good to pass up.

I was all over the map trying new things, shelling out cash for software, ebooks, member sites, folders of PDF resources.

Yep, those would certainly steer me in the right direction.

Uhhh, no.

But, for many of us, that’s what Year 1 is all about.

Finding what works, revisiting back-burnered interests from long ago, reminding ourselves that we still have energy, smarts, and skills.

Still, even with all those solid rationalizations, if I could relive Year 1, I would scale it back and lock in on two, maybe three, key interests and see what results.

But that’s just me. I’d love to read your comments about the shiny-object syndrome.

Finally, I like this post on dealing with shiny object syndrome.

Note: I retired for twelve months and learned plenty. I’ll be posting my impressions and lessons–I’ll call them ‘stepping stones‘–as a friend, not an advisor, and certainly not as an expert. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Along with my book-in-progress, I’m also looking at setting up an online community.
If you’re interested… [Honest! I’m scaling back my ‘shiny objects’ list!]

Yes, keep me updated!

I am interested in...

A promise: Your email address will be used to inform you of the status of the book and community and will not be shared.


Retirement: Setting your own schedule…

Retirement Book laundry work will find you

Today’s post is an excerpt from a draft of my mind-bending book on retirement.
[Okay, slight exaggeration.]
I’m also looking at setting up an online community.
If you’re interested…

Yes, keep me updated!

I am interested in...

A promise: Your email address will be used to inform you of the status of the book and community and will not be shared.

Retirement: There’s getting in shape. And then there’s…

Retirement Fitness center Sized for Blog

The post above is an excerpt from a draft of my mind-bending book on retirement.
[Okay, slight exaggeration.]
I’m also looking at setting up an online community.

If you’re interested…

Yes, keep me updated!

I am interested in...

A promise: Your email address will be used to inform you of the status of the book and community and will not be shared.

Retirement: The Wonder Years

Retirement you wanted to be one with nature wash drying-1200

Congratulations, retiree!
You were the one who wanted to be one with nature.


The post above is an excerpt from an insightful, life-changing book about retirement.

And no, I am not taking the above statement seriously.

And neither should you.

Despite all that…if you’re interested…

Yes, let me know when the book is ready!

A promise: Your email address will not be shared and will be used to inform you of the book’s status and a fun mini-course about retirement.

Retirement Pondering Point: The Gift

Retire-Renewers, even if you’ve already seen it, this is a three-minute wake-up call I’ve bookmarked for a weekly ‘revisit’.

I would love to hear how this might change an hour, a day, or a year of your life.

This TED talk is from 2010 and has been viewed by 3.7 million people.
And today was the first time I’ve seen it.
I went eight years without this ‘gift’ and, because of my jobs and pastimes, I spend a fair amount of time online.

A prime illustration of how wide and deep the Internet has become.


The Habits of Happiness–a TED Talk

I recently used the term ‘play ethic’ [as opposed to work ethic]. Along with ‘trying new’, a play ethic is vital to positive vibes at the end of a day.

And now it’s time to turn to someone who’s looked even more deeply into ‘happiness’.

See if this talk by Matthieu Ricard doesn’t sharpen your own approach to an enriched retirement.