Retirement Pondering Point: From ‘have to’ to ‘get to’…

burden equals opportunity

Fellow retirees, I wanted to share this excerpt from James Clear’s book, Atomic Habits.

My favorite points from:
How to Be Thankful For Your Life by Changing Just One Word

  • “You transition from seeing these behaviors as burdens and turn them into opportunities.”
  • “We can find evidence for whatever mind-set we choose.”
  • “So often, the things we view as work are actually the reward.”

Retirement Pondering Point: Savor your immediate past. Heed the camera!

I was cruising through my phone’s photo library for a certain shot from a while back and I realized I had captured so many moments that I really had not appreciated.

Lesson to self: Don’t just take photos. Relive them. See what emotions and richer details are recaptured. Make your past as enjoyable as the present. And it might even lead to a fuller, more deeply appreciated future.


Retirement Weekend: Canine censorship and college football

Probably not a headline you run across all that often…

Buddy and MacBook 2JPG

Been busy with this latest venture into ‘something new’:

There HAVE been obstacles:

Am thankful I have my ‘retirement hours’ for what now feels like more of a challenge than I intended. [Note: I AM typing this one-handed.]