Creative Retirees: Find your allies.

Boo Retire closer up with arrow

…no matter the species.

Seek those who support this next stage and your willingness to try your hand at creative pursuits, no matter how surprising they might be.

And those allies just might be strangers who share your interests.  Senior Planet has both a Facebook presence and a website.

Also, take a look at Creativity in Retirement: A Myth or a Possibility?.


Any book suggestions? Journal writing tips? Methods you use to explore your interests?  Let us know in the comments box.

Thanks for reading.


Photo-a-day 26: ‘Waive’ bye-bye to the boring stuff

certificate of prioritization
This certificate should be accompanied by a steady stream of willpower.

Yesterday, I wondered if there was a waiver that allowed us to at least temporarily shrug off nagging chores in favor of more meaningful activities.

Of course there is!

Just download a copy of the above masterpiece.


I’m working on a short book about lessons and realizations during my first year of retirement.

If you’re interested in this and/or
and a fun [in development] community site for retirees, just add the information below.



A promise: Your email address will not be shared and will be used to inform you of the book’s status

Photo-a-day 25: Time yourself…


Time yourself. Yes, set the timer for five minutes and see what gets done. I had to admit, I finished 90% of the dinner dishes recently in that span. Thus, no excuse for leaving them for later.

Well, that’s a lie…steering myself toward a writing project should give me a pass on the dishes…isn’t there a waiver we can sign so it somehow feels official?

If you want to look at the bigger picture of managing time during your days of retirement, take a look at these ten tips.


And, in keeping with my ‘try new’ approach to life, here’s today’s list, so far:

Three new items at the farmer’s market:

A fancy kind of mustard green

Mondo-sized brioche with chocolate filling

A zucchini-and-refried bean pupusa


I’m working on a short book about lessons and realizations during my first year of retirement.

If you’re interested in this and/or
and a fun [in development] community site for retirees, just add the information below.



A promise: Your email address will not be shared and will be used to inform you of the book’s status

Photo-a-day 24: It’s been a good day when…

girl hugging lion
You overcame a fear.
beer bottles being tapped as a celebratory toast with setting sun in background
Enjoyed quality time with a friend
Boy and girl exulting over an activity on a MacBook laptop.
You savored the beauty and enthusiasm of youth.

Go ahead…fill in the blank: It’s been a good day when…


I’m working on a short book about lessons and realizations during my first year of retirement.

If you’re interested in this and/or
and a fun [in development] community site for retirees, just add the information below.



A promise: Your email address will not be shared and will be used to inform you of the book’s status

Photo-a-day 12: Heed that inner voice…

Community chalkboard with the prompt 'Before I die, I want to...'
…that bucket list item that keeps calling your name.

This is a favorite stopping point in Mt. Vernon, Washington. Something new to ponder every time I visit.

[Reminder: These posts are just as much directed at myself as they are toward potential readers.]

Photo-a-day 11: Resist the list.

to do list

Fellow retirees, yes, some list items can’t be put off. [That brake job, for instance.]

But if you’re in a tug-of-war between cleaning up after breakfast and phoning your friend, well, let’s just say your buddy’s schedule is more of a moving target than those coffee mugs in the sink.

And consider the payoff. A few laughs, a listening ear [in both directions], and quite possibly a meetup in the near future.

Take a look at this list. I say, five of the seven items support my ‘call your friend’ suggestion.