Looking past annoyance…

Yeah, the rest of the world feels like a complete pain in the, well, somewhere on your person.

Okay, not the rest of the world, but let’s just call them the pandemic and the politically whacked-out corners of the world. Quote from a loved one: “This pandemic is pissing me off!”
But here in retirement world, I have to feel grateful…
— for my retirement partner, wife, fellow consumer of baked goods, dog-walking teammate, L, who clearly has a greater capacity/tolerance level for stomaching current events than I do. She can doom-scroll with the best of them.
— for the dog who uses me as his personal piece of comfort-and-security furniture. Currently, his chin is on my lower leg, thus rendering any slight eye-twitch or muscle spasm on my part as an irrefutable message that I am reaching for a food bit to feed him.
— for the pair of mourning doves perched on our fence, within easy reach of my bleary eyes, but brought closer by my trusty binoculars. (And no, neighbors, I only use them to spy on nature, thank you very much.)
— for the fresh-baked 1/2 all-purpose, 1/4 whole wheat, 1/4 dark rye seed bread right out of our oven.

-Bonus! For my ability to still make sense of fractions. [Trigonometry is a whole different ballgame, however.]

— for a day where–even in pandemic times–I have an array of choices of explorations…and distractions.
— for my cameras/phone to record the choice moments of any given day.
— for my/our health to pursue all of the above. [I don’t want to jinx next month’s annual exam, however…]

Here’s hoping you find similar corners of joy, safe from the craziness parade of 2021, aka ‘I’m not 2020, but I ain’t much better’.

Need a quick-and-dirty creativity departure?

A powerful way to unleash your natural creativity | Tim Harford
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