Photo-a-day 6: It ain’t ‘House Beautiful’ but…

In our retirement years, do we really need the unending crawl of miscellaneous minutiae? [In any years, actually.]

Slap a piece of inexpertly shaped cardboard again the TV.
Prop it up with a book or two.
And you have my makeshift [i.e. desperate] attempt to stifle that annoying march of repeated sports scores across the bottom of the screen. [Just a matter of time before ESPN starts posting results of the drone-racing they’ve started televising. **]

**Honest, I only know this from the on-screen guide.

Photo-a-day 5: Merge new memories with old ones.

This is the new memory…pretty sure it’s a lasting one.

So, driving to home town, I opt to dodge the traffic on the main highway and take the ‘old road’, the one my dad drove when we were kids.

My first stop was Rocca’s Market, a place I’d never been. Google told me this would fill my arms with Sunday dinner from the grill. [Google will tell you darn near everything, won’t it? It’s up to us to sift through it all.]

Anyway, I enjoyed driving down old Monterey Highway and revisiting memories of junior high basketball games, high school friends, and favorite track coaching moments.

And, talk about revisiting old memories…

I caught this sunset shot before exiting toward my home town. Follow that sun and you’ll end up in the Pacific Ocean, by way of acres of agricultural land.

Photo-a-day 3: When in doubt, find sunshine.


I can take the cold and wet of winter. It’s the darkness that gets me. So when the sun is out, I bolt from the house. We’re retired. We have the time. No sense staying locked up and losing those precious rays. In fact, it’s calling my name right now. 

Photo-a-day 2: Happiness at 450 degrees

One of my rules for retirement…

When in doubt, bake.

Just a couple of loaves for Christmas Day breakfast: onion/cheese and plain cheese. 

Their sweet dough ‘cousins’ are resting comfortably in the fridge. They might end up as cinnamon rolls tomorrow afternoon. The dough’s flavor improves with a couple of days’ respite basking in the 35 degrees.

A photo a day…the journey starts.

Buddy and Kindle speech bubble

I’m sitting here on Christmas Day and, as a retiree–every day I’m not working at my school,  I enter my ‘retiree’ state of mind–I’ve decided to continue my ‘try something new’ exploits.

And so, my latest foray is ‘a photo a day’. A photo shares lots of information, is open to translation, and serves as a simple springboard for retirees’ topics.

This is my latest obstacle to productivity…Buddy. who joined us in October and, as you might surmise, is rather adamant about priorities…his priorities.