Linking to inspiration

As part of my AOK Writing project, I’m creating a slide-based tutorial on fashioning your own inspirational message for those needing a little support and, using, including the shortened/memorable URL in any handwritten note. There’s also no reason you can’t create a short inspirational video instead of a static message. Hmmm…

[Note: my tutorial includes the step of publishing a Google Slide to the web; there’s no reason you couldn’t just post your message on your blog and ‘’ your post. I just chose the other route to make the link more exclusive.]

The steps:

  1. Create a PDF/PNG/JPEG poster of support or inspiration. I used Canva.
  2. Place it on a  blog page.
  3. Create a link to it and include the link in your handwritten letter/note.

Here is a 90-second video showing my steps that included Canva, Google Slides [optional], and

Here is the link to the completed project.

Keep trying new stuff!

Retirement book is done!

cover of book Incomplete Book of Retirement Wisdom
For a preview, just click this book cover.

What are the best parts of this book being on the Amazon shelf?

  1. I finished a project!
  2. There’s nothing like seeing my book available publicly…to spotlight glaring necessary fixes.
  3. Offshoot projects resulted from this one.
  4. I have more time to create my mini-course on ‘acts of kindness’ writing.

If you’re writing memoir…free class on June 23.

I’m currently taking the non-fiction course offered by With a number of resources and ample instructor expertise, the logical and methodical approach been very helpful in addressing audience and outlining the larger project. [Tomorrow, we will cover more of the actual writing of the book and on Friday, they are offering a Q. and A. session that will last at least an hour.]


These same folks will be teaching a free course on memoir next week.


Follow this link to sign up:


No affiliation with scribewriting.

Just thought I would pass along the info for those considering a new non-fiction project.

Never too late…keep creating.

That’s the message from this 2017 Writer’s Digest article by Rebecca Foust entitled, It’s Never Too Late: On Becoming a Writer at 50.

This applies, of course, to all of us folks who are ‘making stuff’.

“But here I was, almost 50 without having taken so much as the first step toward the one goal that in some form or another appeared near the top in each decade’s list. Okay, I thought. Time to get started.”

“If you love to write and have a story you want to tell, the only thing that can stand between you and the success you’re seeking isn’t craft, or a good agent, or enough Facebook friends and Twitter followers, but fear.”
“I know I still have much to learn but instead of feeling crippled by self-doubt, I relish the challenge posed by an art that can never be fully mastered.”

What is a ‘retirement concept list’?

Bear_quizzical copy 3
Concept list? What is that?

Readers with retirement/next chapter on their minds…

Here is an exhaustive list of topics and terms related to the subject, in case it helps with any of your creative endeavors. I know it’s been a valuable resource for me.

Retirement Concept List PDF

And a screenshot sample…

retirement concept list screenshot 2

Using Online Video for Prewriting

using online video for your prewriting title slide

Creative retirees, if you’re into writing and need a little boost to get your projects going, and keep them going, take a look at this short component of my prewriting course.

One item from the video: YouTube is just one source of online video available for prewriting. Pixabay and Pexels provide footage that can spur your imagination as well.

Screenshot 2019-08-08 at 12.20.55 PM

Here is the link to the video segment.