Life draining away?

Face it, it’s not like the sands of the hourglass ever reverse their course…

And as I bungled my way through the tedium, the frustration of untangling earbud wires, I realized there are times when the sands tumble at exponential rates.

— When you’re in a line at the grocery store and your ice cream is melting and there you are without your emergency spoon, and the customer in front of you: 

  • decides to write a check after the scanning of the last of the 58 items.
  • strikes up a conversation with the extra-chatty, oblivious cashier starved for human contact beyond ‘Paper or plastic or your own tattered festering cloth bag or leave it in the basket or ‘I’m sorry, we don’t deliver when you buy it in the store’.
  • fumbles endlessly through the debit card process.
  • questions the pricing of an item.
  • trots out a raft of coupons.
  • fails miserably at remembering the phone number associated with the store’s loyalty club membership
  • finds a tear in the bag of an item, thus sending some poor newbie out among the aisles, who is then waylaid by two other customers en route to the unblemished bag of Brussels sprouts, and really…frozen Brussels sprouts? Shouldn’t the store just be giving those away?

— When you’re waiting for the gas station attendant to come take your order [Yes, I live in Oregon.] or for that same gas station attendant to return to your car, remove the nozzle and ask, with a wince, if you want a receipt.

— When you’re waiting for your phone to start up.

— When you’re waiting for your phone to update.

— When you’re waiting for your phone to give you directions to the nearest donut shop in a previously unvisited town. [Hey! Don’t judge me till you waddled a mile in my shoes.]

— When you’re untangling earbud wires. [Yes, that was list item #1, still not done.]

Okay, I’m sure I’m leaving out dozens from this list [Feel free to share them.], but for now…


More reasons to write/create for others

An update sharing a link to the request so far.

Here is the current list of requests
–updated daily.

Confession…I’m falling behind! Luckily, I have till the 22nd to get them in the mail.

If you do participate, why not create a quick word cloud highlighting that person’s special traits? Then print it out on the paper you’ll use for your letter.

Finally! You’re doing something with your life!

Here’s a link to my post’s 1-minute look at the More Love Letters project’s first request:

Geeez, do something with your life, would’ya? Part II

tiger lying on his side
Image by Gerhard G. from Pixabay

My first response to the story linked below: Admiration.

Then: “And you think it’s a big deal when you roll a neighbor’s trash barrels in every Tuesday morning.”

Yep, seems I could be doing more in my spare time.

So, once I get past the shame and embarrassment [I’ll need coffee and a scone to help me along], I’m going to let these impressive kids inspire me to simply get more done.

AND…super citizen that I am, I’ll STILL roll in those trash barrels!

Time Magazine’s Kid of the Year


Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay 

Why this photo? The phone is put aside. Ditto with the remote. But the steaming drink [sniff, sniff…is that a hint of brandy?] is begging for your attention.

Need more affirmation of your downshift? Let’s consult a six-year-old boy [and his tiger].

Want more suggestions?

Check out’s The Art of Doing Nothing in Retirement . Warning: While the suggestions are solid, the sensory assault of the ads might be annoying and send you back to the ever-wise Calvin.

To spare you of the onslaught, here are the first three points:

  • Let go of the guilt.
  • There will be a period of adjustment.
  • Welcome the lower stress levels

Retirement book is done!

cover of book Incomplete Book of Retirement Wisdom
For a preview, just click this book cover.

What are the best parts of this book being on the Amazon shelf?

  1. I finished a project!
  2. There’s nothing like seeing my book available publicly…to spotlight glaring necessary fixes.
  3. Offshoot projects resulted from this one.
  4. I have more time to create my mini-course on ‘acts of kindness’ writing.